cameron highland ni sejuk.... ada aircond tersembunyi ke?
" Cameron Highland ni sejuk....ada aircond tersembunyi ke? " that was Aiman's question upon arriving the highland around 8am. I tried to answer by explaining at higher latitude, the climate will be much cooler but he could not grasp the concept since he already focusing on the view of the tea trees. pffttt there goes my technical explanation :p this was last 2 weekend, not last weekend, but the weekend before, if you get what i meant... hihihi... anyway, school holiday just started but since my hubby is going to be overwhelmed by work spending the first half of the school holiday outstation, so we decided to give the kids some excitement by having a short getaway before the school holiday plus we (the adults) badly need the fresh air to de-stress. We started our journey around 4am Saturday morning... I just love travelling early morning, less traffic (even though I only be the co-pilot), cool climate and the kids will be sleeping. So no need to answer "Dah sampa...