The day George came to town
Everyone...... George Calombaris was in KL!!!! That is a very good news to all those "MasterChef nerds".I should rate myself only Level 3 nerd of MasterChef nerdies. hahahha like those even exist in the first place. Anyway, on last Sunday, Lifetime Asia have organized "George Calombaris Asia Tour" at Midvalley. This session was special because this was the only time we get to see George cooking !!! In MasterChef Australia he is the judge so he was not required to cook. George have presented to us how he do his signature dish with an Asian twist, namely Poached Chicken with Miso Hummus and Green Mango Salad. I was starstruck and dumbfounded since he completed the cooking within less than 30 minutes which make I did not get the recipe fully. D@mmmnnn ... now I have to search high and low for it. Chicken, miso hummus, green mango. GC A photo posted by George Calombaris (@gcalombaris) on Oct 10, 2014 at 2:53am PDT This picture is borrowed