Sorry my little man

Dear my Mr. A,

I am sorry I could not attend your prize giving ceremony at your school today. I already have earlier commitments that I could not reschedule at last minutes. This is a life lesson for your, we must fulfill whatever we promise.

Last week during the parents open day at your school, your ustaz did not manage to inform us that you do get some awards. The school only inform us on last Monday. Thats another reason I could not do the necessary adjustments due to the short notice.

This really came as a surprise to us as your standing in class is number 24 out of 42. Your overall percentage is also only good 86++%. Your sister, Miss E, also get number 24 but with lower overall percentage at 81%.

So when you brought the notification letter, we were surprised and pleased. We know Sirah (Islamic history) is your passion and thats why you can excel on that. While the award of 'kehadiran cemerlang' is more as recognition of your discipline. Perhaps I can compensate my absence during this weekend, lets shopping for more war books for your collection. You already have Perang Badar, Perang Uhud and Perang Khandaq. So whats more in that series?
where is my IT-savvy to rotate this picture???? So please rotate your head instead ;p

In life, passion and disciplines must be presents in all aspects in order for you to excel in life. Both of us, ayah and ibu, always pray for you to be the best Muslim who can contribute many things to our family, community and nation.

Just believe in yourself, you are destined to be great in life.

Love you always,
- ibu -


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